Style Up with Stock Photography

Stock photography.
You’ve either thought of it as something only for advertisers or you haven’t thought of it at all. Regardless, it’s something to consider when you are looking to decorate a home or office interior.

Capehart stores 1,000’s of images in our stock photography collection; from beach scenes to buildings and architecture, to our city skylines…

We've spent a lot of time searching to uncover the hidden gems of our community, showcasing the gorgeous details that set our county apart from any other place in the world.

If you are unsure how to go from an idea to decor, we have some suggestions.
From traditional canvas, to fun and funky stick-ons, metal triptychs or modern grid arrangements using wood panels, there are plenty of possibilities.

Check out our stock gallery which allows you to pinpoint what you are looking for with helpful catagories.
Then give us a call or send an email to let us know how we can help you. 561-833-7507
One last thing!
Our images also make for beautiful personalized note card for your home office or business. They are perfectly Palm Beach.